Comment on Study Shows that Students Using ChatGPT Do Worse on Tests by dragonmouth

Gee! Quelle surprise! It's only unexpected if one swallowed the ChatGPT propaganda hook, line and sinker. Using ChatGPT to do one's homework is like having one's parents or older sibling do it. They are the ones that learn, not you. ChatGPT and other AI applications are analogous to Wikipedia or Google Search. They make one's tasks easier by placing the necessary data at one's fingertips. However, AI is currently used by companies for personal data harvesting...

Comment on 10 Reasons Cherrytree Is My Go-To Desktop Note-Taking App by Friar Tux

I've been using Cherrytree for years. On my machine, it replaces about a half dozen apps/programs. I use it as an address book, notebook, collection inventory, poems, stories, to do list, task manager, word processor, and much, much more. Just about everything office and productivity related. And all in one single file for easy backup and portability. Plus it’s saved locally so it stays on my machine...

Comment on 10 Reasons Cherrytree Is My Go-To Desktop Note-Taking App by David R

I used CherryTree many years ago a few times. My main dislike was that I could not PASTE rich text. The formatting was always lost. I simply would not take the time to reformat anything because formatting was lost upon pasting. But after reading how well it works now, I tried it again. I tried two versions on a Mac (Sonoma 14.4.1): - The dmg/disk image file for the Mac was version 1.0.2, which I found here: - I then tried the Homebrew install at the command line. It gave me version 1.1.4, and it is opened from the command line (vs with a "cask"). Nothing worked in either version to keep the formatting while pasting. While I didn't like that, the other functions worked well. I also tried a flash drive. I left it in its original format, FAT32. I simply copied the CherryTree file and the app from the dmg (version 1.0.2) to the flash and went to my Mac laptop (Ventura 13.6.5). CherryTree opened the file easily, and embedded files (text, jpg, mp4) opened in their default apps. I edited one of the notes, and added a screenshot. Then went back to my desktop. It opened with the edit and screenshot showing up as expected. I also tried Kubuntu 24.04 in a Virtual Machine (VMWare Fusion 13.6). The software installer Discover installed version 1.1.2 of CherryTree. The paste function in it kept the rich formatting. Why there is a difference I don't know, but I liked it. I also found an additional option upon starting up in Kubuntu. There was a fifth option for "Multiple Files in Hierarchical Folder Structure". I tried it. I got a folder that I could open, and browse through nodes as folders, and see the files inside them. This showed that some picture files were converted to PNG files, vs staying as jpg or animated gif (and no animation as a PNG either). The rich files are xml files. If I can get the paste on my Mac to do the rich text, I will probably start using it regularly...

Comment on 9 of the Best Tor Alternatives for Anonymous Browsing by Sayak

In reply to <a href="">bromberg</a>. You followed the correct steps. It will redirect you to the ZeroNet homepage on Firefox or any other default browser on your device. From there, you can access the various dark websites unique to ZeroNet, such as ZeroTalk (a chat service), ZeroMail, ZeroBlog, etc. Just press ‘Activate’ and that service will open. For example, ZeroMail allows you to create an anonymous email account after you hit ‘Register.’ It’s a decentralized Internet, so it takes a while to get used to. Also, ZeroNet falls within the definition of the dark web, as these websites are like a parallel Internet to the one we’re using right here. All web links will have the prefix. I saw a ‘site storage limit modified’ option. I am not a ZeroNet insider. The whole reason for their existence is to stay off the grid. They have a ‘Help’ section. It might involve possibly hosting peers yourself. Please visit any ZeroNet forums or other discussion areas to get insider access. If you just want to browse some dark web contents, try Hyphanet (Freenet) or I2P...

Comment on 9 of the Best Tor Alternatives for Anonymous Browsing by bromberg

Sayak, I think I'm misunderstanding your article. I downloaded ZeroNet, unzipped the file, and when I clicked on the executable (ZeroNet.exe) it started my Firefox and went to the ZeroNet homepage ( Then I went to a website to read an article but it said I reached my quota for the month. So how is ZeroNet keeping me anonymous? Thanks, Dan...

Comment on Why ExpressVPN Is the Best VPN Solution by Sayak

In reply to <a href="">Richard</a>. Agreed with all your points. But as a VPN consumer, there's a sense of reassurance about RSA-4096's asymmetric design since it has separate public and private keys. That said, VPN providers are definitely using multiple encryption standards. But we only pay attention to what they advertise. NordVPN strongly advertises its RSA-4096 encryption. The biggest attack on RSA so far only managed to break 829 bits, and that required state-level threat agents using supercomputers. RSA-2048 is already very secure. There's a VPN called Cryptostorm which advertises its RSA-8192 which could be an overkill. Thing is AES-256 is also very secure and can’t be broken by brute force attacks. Even AES-128 is impenetrable. But as you mentioned, AES is a symmetric encryption, meaning the same key is used for both encryption and decryption. That makes it slightly vulnerable to side-channel attacks and implementation flaws. But we have every reason to believe that ExpressVPN has no known flaws in its security implementation. We’ve clearly described its security measures as stringent and fit to purpose. We wouldn't consider it the #1 VPN otherwise. What sets ExpressVPN "Lightway" apart from other VPNs is its network of high-quality obfuscated connections which disguise the VPN traffic as normal traffic helping you stay undetected. But other VPNs also use obfuscated connections - it's the quality that natters. And time and again, ExpressVPN has proved its mettle whether it comes to unblocking streaming sites or bypassing ISP restrictions...