Akademy 2024: broadening, professionalizing, and being awesome

Akademy 2024 is a wrap, and others have already begun to write about the conference in beautiful Würzburg, Germany, with some posts already visible on https://planet.kde.org. This year’s Akademy was fantastic, probably the best one I’ve ever attended. Other than the A/V situation (which we’ll be addressing next year, pinkie-promise), it was well-organized and smoothly … Continue reading Akademy 2024: broadening, professionalizing, and being awesome →...

This week in Plasma: Stabilization for 6.2

This week I and many other major Plasma contributors are at Akademy, planning the future and having many fruitful in-person discussions! As a result, probably next week’s post will be a bit light. This week though, lots of pre-Akademy changes got merged, most of them bug-fixes and performance improvements scheduled for Plasma 6.2. We want … Continue reading This week in Plasma: Stabilization for 6.2 →...

This week in Plasma: inhibiting inhibitions and more!

This week in Plasma: inhibiting inhibitions and more!

This is a big one, folks. Plasma 6.2’s soft feature freeze is now in effect, which means the last few features have just been merged! Now we’ll have six weeks of heavy bug-fixing before the final release in October. If you’re an industrious sort, the time to live on git master and report bugs is … Continue reading This week in Plasma: inhibiting inhibitions and more! →...

Asking for donations in Plasma

Why do we ask for donations so often? Because it’s important! As KDE becomes more successful and an increasing number of people use our software, our costs grow as well: And so on. If we don’t raise more money while our software becomes more popular, we risk “dying of success,” so to speak. Remember, we … Continue reading Asking for donations in Plasma →...

This week in KDE: per-monitor brightness control and “update then shut down”

This week was all about the quality of life features! As we close in on Plasma 6.2 (the soft feature freeze is in four days, eek!), some great work that’s been in progress for a long time got merged. Notable New Features Okular now has a “speak text from current page” feature (Athul Raj Kollareth, … Continue reading This week in KDE: per-monitor brightness control and “update then shut down” →...

This week in KDE: System Settings modernization and Wayland color management

Many folks are on vacation right now, but KDE’s tireless contributors still worked hard to bring you a number of improvements anyway, among them some nice System Settings modernization work and improvements to Wayland color management. You’ll find them mentioned below, along with various other improvements! Notably, we’re back to only 30 15-minute Plasma bugs … Continue reading This week in KDE: System Settings modernization and Wayland color management →...

This week in KDE: SVG Breeze cursors and more thumbnails

First up is something cool: support for SVG-based cursor themes! This allows compatible themes to always display beautiful sharp cursors at any size, and has already been rolled out for the Breeze Light and Breeze Dark cursor themes. It does not use the Hyprcursor system, and we have not yet upstreamed it to be a … Continue reading This week in KDE: SVG Breeze cursors and more thumbnails →...

This week in KDE: Discover and more

It was a big week for Discover, which received multiple UI improvements, performance enhancements, and bug fixes that you’ll find mentioned throughout the text! There are more features and UI improvements to other components as well, plus a bunch of juicy bug fixes. I’m feeling like we’ve turned the corner on those bugs. No really … Continue reading This week in KDE: Discover and more →...

Triaging your own project’s Bugzilla tickets

I’ve been beating the bug triage drum for a number of years, from the perspective of asking for more dedicated bug triagers. And at this point we have some! Which is amazing, and I’d like to thank them. So this time let’s talk about something different: developers triaging their own projects’ new Bugzilla tickets. When … Continue reading Triaging your own project’s Bugzilla tickets →...

This week in KDE: features and UI polish

After last week’s bug-squash-a-thon, this week there was more focus on features and user interface improvements — some of them HIG-driven, as I wrote about yesterday. But we kept the bugs down too! Everything is proceeding nicely, I think. Notable New Features Konsole has gained a feature to automatically save all output in a terminal … Continue reading This week in KDE: features and UI polish →...