CBSD 11.1.3 available

Relnotes: - add bhyve_vnc_tcp_ipconnect variable for external hooks - add Makefile for update vm-profiles regardless of CBSD releases, from GitHub - bhyve bugfix: dont use iso_args when vm_iso_path is empty, reported by Alexsander Povolotsky (aka tarkhil) via Telegram...

CBSD 11.1.4 available

Relnotes: - jexec now support execution command in multiple jail (in parallel mode) - support for jname as mask for [jb]stop/[jb]start/junregister/jregister/[jb]remove/[jb]export/[jb]import - (bugfix) allow.reserved_ports still not available in FreeBSD 11-RELENG, only -CURRENT...

CBSD 11.1.8 available

Relnotes: - bhyve: OpenBSD UEFI support (on FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE) - bhyve: add vgaconf settings (for FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE) - bhyve: fix for FreeBSD guest boot on serial console in legacy MBR mode - bhyve: add p9 patch - dhcpd: also check IP free address via bhyve list - colorized active/passive state of environment in [jb]ls and [jb]config - bhyve: fix mynic variable with full NIC list (reported by Elea Molokan via CBSD Telegram)...

CBSD 11.1.10 available

Relnotes: - jexec, jlogin: add user= params, suggested by Goran Mekic aka meka - zfsattach: make zfs jail after jail create but before /etc/rc boot sequence, force persist flags for this cases. Issue #213, reported by sturican - bugfix: [jb]create proper removejconf args, reported Goran Mekic aka meka - bugfix: Preserve jconf perms, submitted by Goran Mekic aka meka - bugfix: jstop: fix ip4_addr list for removeing, add work-around for unstoppable cron via pkill - bugfix: bhyve: skip loopback interface as uplink, (reported by Denis Bezkrovniy via Telegram) - bugfix: bhyve: skip CBSDSYSTEM0 tap interface when no default route, (reported by Denis Bezkrovniy via Telegram) - bugfix: zfsattach: fix for syntax error. Issue #213, reported by sturican...