Comment on Study Shows that Students Using ChatGPT Do Worse on Tests by dragonmouth

Gee! Quelle surprise! It's only unexpected if one swallowed the ChatGPT propaganda hook, line and sinker. Using ChatGPT to do one's homework is like having one's parents or older sibling do it. They are the ones that learn, not you. ChatGPT and other AI applications are analogous to Wikipedia or Google Search. They make one's tasks easier by placing the necessary data at one's fingertips. However, AI is currently used by companies for personal data harvesting...

Comment on 10 Reasons Cherrytree Is My Go-To Desktop Note-Taking App by Friar Tux

I've been using Cherrytree for years. On my machine, it replaces about a half dozen apps/programs. I use it as an address book, notebook, collection inventory, poems, stories, to do list, task manager, word processor, and much, much more. Just about everything office and productivity related. And all in one single file for easy backup and portability. Plus it’s saved locally so it stays on my machine...