GNOME 47: Best New Features

Learn about the greatest new features of the upcoming GNOME 47 desktop environment. The GNOME 47 desktop environment is undergoing beta testing at the moment. All the feature-set are almost complete and ready for the final release. Being the final release of 2024, it’s packed up with some great features, which were long due anyway.... The post GNOME 47: Best New Features appeared first on Do not reproduce this post without permission...

COSMIC Desktop Alpha: Hands-on and Review

We did a test run of the maiden alpha release of the System76’s Rust-based COSMIC desktop. System76, the company behind the Pop!_OS Linux distribution, has announced the first official alpha release (Epoch 1) of the COSMIC desktop environment. This new version of COSMIC is written in Rust and is being developed as a universal project,... The post COSMIC Desktop Alpha: Hands-on and Review appeared first on Do not reproduce this post without permission...

LXQt 2.0.0 Unveils Exciting Features for a Better User Experience

Learn what’s new in the LXQt 2.0.0 desktop environment, which promises Wayland updates soon. LXQt, the lightweight and Qt-based desktop environment, has released its latest version, LXQt 2.0.0, based on Qt ≥ 6.6. This release brings a host of new features and improvements, making it an exciting update for users. This release is significant because,... The post LXQt 2.0.0 Unveils Exciting Features for a Better User Experience appeared first on Do not reproduce this post without permission...