Linux kernel releases PGP signatures

All kernel releases are cryptographically signed using OpenPGP-compliant signatures. Everyone is strongly encouraged to verify the integrity of downloaded kernel releases by verifying the corresponding signatures. Basic concepts Every kernel release comes with a cryptographic signature from the person making the release. This cryptographic signature allows anyone to verify whether …...

Fast new frontends with Packet

Packet logo We are extremely happy to announce that Packet has graciously donated the new hardware systems providing read-only public access to the git repositories and the public website ( and, respectively). We have avoided using cloud providers in the past due to security implications …... TLS certificates

Gandi logo If your browser alerted you that the site certificates have changed, that would be because we replaced our StartCOM, Ltd certificates with those offered by our DNS registrar, Gandi. We are very thankful to Gandi for this opportunity. A common question is why we aren't using the certificates offered by …...

Introducing Fastly CDN

Fastly logo We are happy to announce that Fastly has offered their worldwide CDN network to provide fast download services for Linux kernel releases, which should improve download speeds for those of you located outside North America. We have modified the front page to offer CDN-powered download links, but all the existing …...

Hurr, Durr Im'a Sheep

Linus named the upcoming 4.0 release of the kernel "Hurr Durr I'ma Sheep" (see his git commit), so we are celebrating this April Fool's day with a minor prank. If you've been redirected to, do not panic. It's all part of the joke. We've also restored …...

Heartbleed statement

Since we rely on the OpenSSL library for serving most of our websites, we, together with most of the rest of the open-source world, were vulnerable to the HeartBleed vulnerability. We have switched to the patched version of OpenSSL within hours of it becoming available, plus have performed the following …...